Otaru Ushio Festival

Held every year on the last Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of July. The big festival that represents summer in Otaru.
The first day of the festival is Shio Furekomi (Tide Announcement), informing people of the beginning of the festival. The second day is Shio Nerikomi (Tide Kneading), and the last day is Shio Watari (Tide Crossing), when a parade of fishing boats and houseboats is held in Otaru Port. There are also fireworks on the first and last days of the festival.
Otaru Snow Light Path
Every February, there is an event with candles in the snow. It is one of the representative events of winter in Hokkaido. The event is supported by residents of the city, local shopping centers, neighborhood associations, companies, schools, volunteers and more. During the event, countless candles are placed in the historic cityscape, creating a fantastical atmosphere that has become quite popular. In recent years, around 500,000 visitors are recorded each year. It is affectionately called the Snow Light Path by the locals.